Planning for the Holidays After Your Illinois Divorce
The holiday season is often a time of family traditions and togetherness, and while it can bring great joy, it can also be hard for anyone who has recently gone through a divorce. Going from being married to being single is a major life transition, and it can take time to adjust to this new lifestyle. The thought of celebrating without your whole family intact can be sad and overwhelming, but as the 2020 holiday season approaches, it may help to consider some suggestions that can make it easier to bear, and maybe even help you enjoy the holidays again with new traditions.
Suggestions for Managing the Holidays After Divorce
There is no denying that the holidays will look different after your divorce, but that does not mean they have to be something you dread. You can better prepare yourself for the holiday season by considering the following advice:
Address holidays in your parenting plan: Without a clear outline or schedule in place, the holidays can be a major source of conflict between you and your ex. When negotiating parenting time during the divorce process, you should specifically address holidays to make sure that each parent gets quality time with the children. You may decide that the best approach is to alternate years for important holidays, or you may agree on an arrangement that allows you to share time each year.
Coordinate with your ex-spouse: Effective communication with your ex around the holidays can be a significant stress-reliever. In addition to the parenting time schedule, you may be able to coordinate gift-giving and other holiday plans to ensure that your children are able to fully enjoy their time with both parents, as well as with extended family members, such as cousins and grandparents.
Find comfort in your family: The holidays may be a good time to surround yourself with the people you love who can provide valued support after your divorce. Spending time with your family and close friends may be just what you need to cope with a challenging holiday season.
Do not take on too much: On the other hand, if you do not feel up for socializing in a large group, it is OK to take some time to yourself. If you typically host an event during the holidays, you might decide that you need to forgo doing so this year so as to avoid the extra stress.
Look forward to new traditions: Rather than trying to recreate the holidays as they were before your divorce, you might consider your divorce as an opportunity to seize a fresh start with different holiday traditions that can be just as rewarding as the old ones.
Contact a St. Charles Divorce Lawyer
At Weiler & Associates, Inc., we understand the emotional challenges that divorce brings, and we strive to treat our clients with care and compassion. We can help you create a parenting plan that makes the holidays less stressful and handle your legal matters so that you can focus on quality time with your family. Contact our qualified and dedicated Kane County divorce attorneys today at 630-331-9110 to schedule a confidential consultation.