Professionals That Can Help You Gain a Better Divorce Outcome
In the best of circumstances, a couple agrees to end their marriage and is able to come to an agreement on all the issues involved in that decision, as well. Unfortunately, the reality is that when many couples reach the point to end their marriage, it is often the only thing they do agree on. The divorce process then turns into a battle over child custody, assets, and property.
When there are issues that the couple cannot agree on, their attorneys may suggest using experts to help resolve some of the issues and help navigate the process to a fair and equitable resolution for both spouses.
Child Custody Evaluator
A child custody evaluator is typically a licensed psychologist or social worker who provides an assessment of what type of custody arrangement would be in the child’s best interest. The evaluator will interview the child and the parents, as well as review both parents’ home environments. Once complete, they will present their recommendation for a parenting plan.
Real Estate Appraiser
If the couple owns any type of real estate, including the marital home and other property, an appraiser can calculate the current market value of those properties in order to ensure an equitable distribution of the marital estate.
Business Valuation Specialist
If either or both of the spouses own a business, it is important to obtain the value of that business for the final asset division agreement.
Financial Advisor
For many people going through a divorce, the financial impact can be overwhelming. A financial advisor can work with an individual to help them determine what their assets and debts are, create a budget for those debts, and create a plan for saving after the divorce. The financial advisor can also help a person decide if they can afford certain marital assets or if it would be better to sell, such as the marital home.
Forensic Accountant
In some divorces, one spouse tries to hide assets in order to prevent the other spouse from getting their fair share. These accounting experts are often able to trace cash flow, and identify any discrepancies in the other spouse’s financial documents, especially those that do not match up with the spouse’s income and expenses.
Contact a Kane County Divorce Attorney for Help
If you are ending your marriage, do not make the mistake of trying to negotiate with your spouse on your own. Even the friendliest of divorces can quickly become contentious. Call Weiler & Associates, Inc. at 630-331-9110 to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our skilled St. Charles, IL divorce lawyers.