Tips for Parents Getting Divorced During the Beginning of the School Year
If you are a parent who is thinking about getting divorced, you may understandably be concerned about how the split will affect your kids. Divorce is difficult for everyone regardless of the time of year. However, dealing with a divorce during the back-to-school period can be even more stressful. As with many aspects of a divorce, planning how to handle parenting and school issues in advance can help make the process easier for everyone.
Plan How You Will Handle Child Custody and Child-Related Expenses
As part of your Illinois divorce, you will be asked to submit a parenting plan to the court which explains how you and the other parent will share parenting time and parenting duties. Even if you have not officially filed for divorce, you can still create a written plan detailing when your children will stay with each parent to ensure that you and the other parent are on the same page. Plan in advance which parent will have the child on what days and how parents will handle school events like parent-teacher conferences and back-to-school nights. Consistency and structure will help your child cope with the divorce. Make sure to also address how the parents will pay for school supplies, extracurricular fees, and other school-related expenses during the split.
Consider Telling Your Child’s Teacher About the Divorce
Of course, your marriage is no one’s business but your own. However, letting your child’s teacher know that you will soon be divorced may help in several ways. First, it lets the teacher know that he or she should communicate with both parents regarding school reports, disciplinary actions, or other child-related concerns instead of assuming that one parent will share the information with the other parent. Secondly, it gives the teacher the opportunity to provide emotional support to your child if he or she does get upset or acts out at school because of the divorce.
Use Technology to Your Benefit
Many schools have online calendars, schedules, and other valuable information on the school’s website. Make sure you are using these resources to your advantage. Technology can also be an effective co-parenting tool. Applications like Google Calendar, Cozi, and OurFamilyWizard can help you communicate with the other parent about scheduling conflicts, child-related expenses, and other needs without having a contentious in-person conversation.
Keep Adult Concerns Between the Adults
Research shows that kids are deeply impacted by parental conflict. It is important to shield your children from arguments and hostility as much as possible. Avoid bad-mouthing the other parent in front of your child. If you need to take a phone call with your attorney about a divorce issue, step into another room if possible.
Contact a St. Charles Divorce Lawyer
If you are ready to get divorced, contact a Kane County divorce attorney from Weiler & Associates, Inc. for help. Call us at 630-331-9110 for a confidential consultation.