What You Should Do If Your Child Will Not Visit the Other Parent
Whether you have been divorced for several months or just separated from your spouse, it is important to stick to the child custody and visitation order you agreed upon. However, if your child does not want to see the other parent, it can make the situation much more difficult. If you do not comply with the parenting time schedule described in your parenting plan, the court could even find you in contempt of the court order.
Common Reasons Why Children May Refuse Visitation
While it would be ideal if all children complied with visitation schedules, it does not always work out that way. Children may not want to see their parent for a wide range of reasons. Perhaps they do not like the rules they have to follow at the other parent’s house or maybe they do not get along with their parent’s new significant other. Other children may refuse to see their parent because he or she lives far away from their school and friends.
How to Handle a Child Who Is Refusing Visitation
If your child does not wish to visit their other parent, you can take the following steps to rectify the matter
Inform the other parent. The last thing you want to do is keep your ex in the dark about the situation. Whether it is through a phone call or email, you should let your ex know that your child is refusing visitation as soon as possible. This way, your ex-spouse cannot accuse you of keeping your child from him or her.
Talk to your child. If your child refuses to see the other parent, it is up to you to find out why. Listen to your child’s concerns and offer words of encouragement. For instance, if your child does not like the other parent’s rules, explain that the other parent makes these rules for your child’s own good and that it is important to respect them.
Consider your own behavior. The way you talk about and treat your ex can impact your child. For example, if your child frequently overhears you badmouthing your ex or sees you become upset when he or she sees the other parent, your child may feel uncomfortable about visitation. Even if you have bad feelings for your ex, you should never make your child feel bad about visiting the other parent.
Contact a St. Charles, IL Child Custody Lawyer
If your child is refusing visitation or you have other family law needs, the family lawyers at Weiler & Associates, Inc. can help. We understand that you are in a difficult situation and want to offer our services. You may wish to pursue a parenting plan modification or take other steps to rectify the situation. Schedule a consultation with a Kane County family lawyer by calling 630-331-9110.