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5 Ways to Combat Anxiety and Stress During Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on July 28, 2020 in Illinois Divorce

St. Charles divorce attorney

Deciding to get a divorce is a delicate and difficult matter. It is a decision that usually comes with careful consideration, deliberation, and thought. Although most people do not go into marriages thinking that it will end in separation, in some cases it is for the best. However, the divorce process alone can cause anxiety and uncomfortable feelings. The stress associated with this major life transition can sometimes feel overwhelming and all-encompassing. Acute anxiety may sometimes be helpful when it comes to big projects or public speaking by queuing to the body that there is something important happening, which often makes a person rise to the challenge. On the contrary, prolonged stress is not good for the overall health of the mind and body. The following are some practical tips for managing your emotional and physical well-being during your divorce proceedings

Taking Control of the Situation

The divorce process involves issues such as property division and the allocation of parental responsibilities if you have children, which can be daunting and difficult to navigate at the time. Here are some helpful tips to help your mind and body maintain wellness during the divorce process:

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet: When feeling stressed or anxious, our diet is usually the first thing to take a hit. However, it is important during this time to eat healthy, well-balanced meals that make you feel good. Try to avoid the fast-food route, as that has the potential to make you feel worse or more sluggish.

  2. Adopt a Mindfulness Practice: With all of the decisions swirling around in your head, it may be beneficial to add a mindfulness practice to your daily routine. Whether this is yoga, meditation, or breathing techniques (breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and breathing out). This may help you achieve a calm mood and a clearer head

  3. Refrain from Drinking Alcohol and Excessive Caffeine: If you are prone to anxiety, drinking alcohol and lots of caffeine can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. Instead, opt for some herbal tea, or another caffeine-free beverage that you love

  4. Get Plenty of Sleep: Rest and relaxation are some of the best gifts you can give yourself during the divorce process. When facing extreme stress and anxiety, your body may be working in overdrive. Allowing yourself adequate sleep and downtime helps heal and refresh the body

  5. Seek Out Counseling or Therapy: It is OK to admit you are feeling overwhelmed. Talking with a professional who is trained in these topics can be beneficial in navigating these challenging thoughts and feelings

Contact a St. Charles Divorce Attorney 

The divorce process has the potential to bring on unwanted stress and anxiety. At the distinguished law firm of Weiler & Associates, Inc., we understand the difficult decisions that accompany this sensitive time. That is why you should let us take care of the legal details of your divorce. Our experienced Kane County divorce lawyers will work with you to make the experience as seamless as possible. Call us today at 630-331-9110 to schedule your private consultation


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