Tips for Illinois Child Custody Cases
Child custody cases are rarely simple. Unfortunately, many parents lose sight of what is really important and instead are determined to “win” at any cost. This mindset usually continues after the case is over and it can be challenging to co-parent with these types of people. If parents are unable to collaborate during the negotiations for determining the allocation of parental responsibilities and a parenting time schedule, this can have a negative impact on the final outcome of any custody agreements.
It is critical for the child’s emotional well-being that both parents focus on being the best parents for their child during these negotiations and beyond. The following are some of the issues that parents should absolutely avoid. For more detailed information about your particular circumstances, contact a Kane County family law attorney.
Do Not Let Negative Feeling About Your Soon-to-Be Ex Become a Priority Over Your Child’s Best Interests
The judge in your case does not care why you are divorcing (unless the situation involves family violence, addiction, or criminal issues). Instead, the judge has his or her focus on what is in your child’s best interest. Regardless of your feelings, never speak badly about your spouse in front or to your child.
It is also important to communicate with your child’s other parent about any school events or extracurricular activities your child is involved in. Remember, not telling your ex about a school play your child is in so they miss it not only upsets your ex, but it also hurts your child, who will not understand why their other parent did not attend.
Never Withhold or Interfere with the Other Parent’s Parenting Time
One of the criteria the judge considers during custody cases is the parents’ willingness to encourage their child’s relationship with the other parent. If a parent is unwilling or unable to support their child’s relationship with the ex, they can actually lose custody. This is why a parent should never interfere or withhold the other parent’s parenting time.
There are some exceptions, such as a legitimate concern for the child’s safety; however, in these situations, you need to contact your family attorney right away to notify them of the situation and let them take the appropriate legal steps.
Some parents think if the other parent is not paying their court-ordered child support, they can withhold parenting time. This could bring harsh retribution from the court. Child custody and child support are considered two separate legal issues. If your ex is not paying child support, this is another reason to contact your attorney and they will pursue legal action on your behalf.
Contact a St. Charles, IL Family Law Attorney
If you are involved in any kind of child custody issue, make sure you have a skilled Kane County family lawyer advocating for you and protecting your parental rights. Call Weiler & Associates, Inc. at 630-331-9110 to schedule a confidential consultation.